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    In response to rapid changes of our society, families require more resources about family education to improve their family functions ,because of facing challenges from the external environment and the diverse needs from family members. For this reason, the Hsinchu City Government formally established the "Hsinchu City Family Education Center” in 2011. We expect the center can provide more learning resources to families and keep them company growth positive and healthy by the center established.
    Nowadays in Taiwan, the trend of the number of single-parent family and two-paycheck family are increasing. Parents spend more time to deal with the job and the house work so that they do not have enough time to accompany with their children. They might worry about this situation will affect the relationship of familes. In addition, Taiwan became an aged society few years ago because of the advancement of society and medical technology. We promote the senior education to encourage senior people learning and growing, at the same time, teach young generation to care elder and share the life experience with each other. We hope the education can shorten the distance of generation even the elder can become the new force in society. The main spots of family education include parenting, marriage, diverse gender and emotion education etc. We expect to promote the resources and let families can use affectively.
    Hsinchu City is divided into 3 districts include East District, North District and Xiangshan District, there are more than 182,000 households. However, due to the development of technology, abundance of information, the pressure of family and work, changes in values, and the increasing rate of divorce year by year, family functions are gradual weakness and various social problems are increasing. The important goals which we promote the family education are how to respond to the diverse needs of families, reduce the problem of family communication and intensify positive relationship in family.
    The Hsinchu City Family Education Center promotes the 412-8185 consultation line service to accompany citizens in building their problem-solving abilities. It shows that our service can provide psychological support and promote the ability of problem-solving. We except our citizens can face their problems with a positive attitude, being flexible and tolerant to themselves. Based on this, we also offer various prevention and promotion activities. Due to the era of lifelong learning and the implementation of the Family Education Act, we continue to  enhance the public's family life related knowledge and skills family relationships, and healthy family functioning. We expected to combine relevant resources, establish a family learning network, create a family education promotion model that meets the needs of local families in our city. We sincerely wish our citizens can enjoy a happy and warm family life.

    Visitor:128 Update:2024-10-24
Address:No.241, Zhongyang Rd., Hsinchu City,30041,Taiwan, ROC【Google Map】
TEL:03-5325885#100~106 Inquiry Helpline:412-8185 FAX:03-5350812
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